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The global energy system is experiencing profound transformation. To understand how your sustainability strategy is shaped by the decisions you make today, S&P Global offers the insights, research, connected financial and market data as well as innovative tools and benchmarks to guide your journey to sustainability and a thriving future.
As the energy landscape transforms at a faster pace than ever before, Essential Intelligence® from S&P Global brings together critical data, price assessments, research and insights to help navigate today's transition to a sustainable tomorrow.
Our world-class energy presence, combined with expertise in price reporting, technology, finance, automotive, chemicals, maritime, climate, geopolitics, macroeconomics, and trade equip investors, organizations and governments with the tools necessary to navigate toward a low-carbon energy future with confidence.
Standardized data and analytics on greenhouse gas emissions across the global energy value chain and industrial sectors, combined with price assessments for low carbon oil, gas, and power markets.
Comprehensive coverage of clean energy technologies – batteries & storage, hydrogen & green gas, wind, solar, & carbon sequestration – to support the future energy system.
Integrated, long-term scenarios projecting energy use and emissions by fuel type, country, and sector. Risk assessment and portfolio strategies.
Market first price assessments provide increased transparency, rigor, and integrity to the pricing of voluntary carbon market assets, supporting market growth and development.
Get a clearer view of physical and transition climate risk exposure with actionable financial impact analysis across asset locations, investment portfolios, and supply chains.
Keep pace with the global patchwork of sustainability reporting frameworks with in-depth data intelligence, specialist analyst support, and integrated workflow tools.
The world needs a secure, affordable and sustainable energy system. And you need the clarity to chart your path through it.
Hedge risk in new markets with Platts forward curves. Model prices, forecast trends, and calculate key risk metrics with confidence. Gain greater clarity and save time with historical and reference data all on one screen.
Independent, research-based evaluations that assess how green a company’s activities are and may help investors to track companies’ transition efforts.
Understand today with market news and price reporting. Make informed trading decisions, understand your current position, and stay informed as the market evolves with Platts market data in Carbon and new fuel markets.
Benchmark portfolios using standardized emissions data and analytics on corporate greenhouse gas emissions across global energy value chain and industrial sectors.
Track clean energy technology, capacity and investment. Insight and analysis covering solar, wind, batteries, storage, hydrogen and renewable gases.
Reference integrated views of future energy demand. Coverage across all major sectors, regions, fuel types, dating back to 1990 and forecasting through 2050.
Analyze decarbonization pathways in new fuel markets. Access to our annual guidebook, reference case outlooks, quarterly tracking reports and alternative fuel analytics.
Understand the implications of new policy decisions. Assess the business environment today for oil, gas and emerging fuel markets in the context of Energy Transition.
S&P Capital IQ Pro offers unparalleled intelligence on the global energy sector, covering over 4,260+ publicly listed and 167,630+ private energy companies worldwide. Integrating comprehensive power plant asset data, global mining sector data, deep company financials, and unique energy insights, S&P Capital IQ Pro can help you uncover opportunities and challenges in the Energy Transition as the sector evolves.
Comprehensive data coverage and hyper-local insight on weather related risks and trends across asset locations, investment portfolios, and supply chains.
A multi-sector, multi-asset class approach to climate portfolio analysis.
Designed to address climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy, these indices focus on different carbon reduction objectives—including carbon-efficient and fossil-fuel-free-strategies. The indices use both current and forward-looking approaches, as well as those that align with the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Transportation plays a key role in the energy transition as it is responsible for almost 25% of global energy-related emissions. Data and insights from our global mobility experts on current trends in sustainability including the electrification of vehicles and the future changes in the automotive sector helps OEMs, suppliers and investors understand the trajectory to net zero across the industry by identifying opportunities, evaluating impacts, and navigating risk.
S&P Global Mobility provides near real-time updates of electrified (BEV and hybrid) light vehicle sales volumes for 150+ countries by brand, model, and fuel type, as well as invaluable data on the global charging ecosystem.
Provides insight, analysis, and data in understanding how regulations, technology, new business models, and consumers are impacting oil, energy demand, and the automotive industry plus its supply chain.
Our vehicle level energy consumption & GHG emissions products, and forecasts support a range of decision making from competitive benchmarking of future energy consumption and EV ranges, to sourcing opportunity targeting, through to cost of compliance with regional emissions regulation.
In-depth analysis of battery technology developments and the evolving supply chain landscape.
S&P Global Sustainable1 matches customers with the sustainability products, insights and solutions from across S&P Global’s divisions to help meet their unique needs. Our comprehensive coverage across global markets combined with in-depth sustainability intelligence provides financial institutions, corporations and governments with expansive insight on business risk, opportunity, and impact as we work towards a sustainable future.
Our unparalleled data and insight is tried-and-tested throughout the global value chain, helping companies, banks, investment managers and asset owners to accelerate their net zero journeys, from quantifying net zero baselines and setting targets to reporting progress and financing ambition.
Get actionable sustainability insights built on the world’s most granular ESG Raw Data, and the S&P Global ESG Score.
Access curated and comprehensive nature and biodiversity risk data intelligence to efficiently assess company operations & investment portfolios. Gain the knowledge, capacity, data, and deep analytics to understand, manage and disclose the nature-related risks you face.
The S&P Global CSA enables you to directly report key sustainability metrics and benchmark your company's performance on a wide range of industry-specific economic, environmental and social criteria.
Navigate the sustainability reporting landscape with in-depth sustainability data, specialist analyst support, and streamlined workflow tools.
Coralie Laurencin, the Senior Director, Power and Climate Policy Lead at S&P Global Commodity Insights joins the Seek & Prosper Interview Series to discuss the energy transition. She covers the rapid changes and challenges for European power markets, the good and the bad of carbon offsets, and the role of natural gas and nuclear in the energy transition.
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Senior Director, Gas, Power, and Energy Futures
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Head of Future Energy, Policy and Technology Analytics
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Senior Vice President and Chief Energy Strategist
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Executive Director, Economic Consulting
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Consulting Principal, Economics & Country Risk
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Associate Director of Economics in the Pricing and Purchasing Service