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Climate Risk & Resilience

The majority of companies today are exposed to physical assets at risk due to climate change. Understanding how to prevent or mitigate billions of dollars’ worth of climate risk is essential.

ESG Insider

Subscribe to ESG Insider, a podcastfrom S&P Global Sustainable1 that takes you inside the environmental, social and governance issues shaping the business world through in-depth analysis and interviews with sustainability leaders.

Sustainable Finance

In a world where investments that use sustainable criteria are measured in the trillions of dollars, insight into sustainable finance is a requirement for all market participants.

Social Equity

Social issues are controversial at times, yet stakeholder capitalism, gender and racial diversity, and income inequality are driving investment and innovation in markets.


Women in the Markets

Gender Data Matters

More work remains to be done to disaggregate gender data on the macroeconomic and individual sector and company level. Measurement is the first step in addressing serious gender disparities.

The Path to Net-Zero

Net zero and carbon neutral commitments are on the rise as companies, financial institutions, and countries pledge to cut emissions as much as possible and offset the rest. But progress to date has been worryingly slow.

Sustainability Reporting & Standards

Investors are demanding transparency. Policymakers and regulators are imposing disclosure requirements. But a patchwork of reporting frameworks presents challenges for market participants.