Obtain the data you need to make the most informed decisions by accessing our extensive portfolio of information, analytics, and expertise. Sign in to the product or service center of your choice.
Gain access to a comprehensive and reliable automotive sales and production forecasts, consumer purchase behavior, vehicle ownership, technology adoption, and recall activity to mitigate risk, improve product development, maximize profitable growth, and shape policy.
The dynamic nature of today’s automotive industry can create significant opportunities and challenges for growth. Access to a comprehensive and reliable source of market and economic forecasts, sales and production activity, consumer purchase behavior, vehicle ownership, technology adoption and recall activity can mitigate risk, improve product development, maximize profitable growth, and shape policy.
From present day decoding of VIN numbers to understanding how policies will need to adapt as drivers move to a “shared vehicle” model or ride in autonomous vehicles, Insurance companies trust S&P Global Mobility to deliver information and insight to make decisions with confidence.
Over 283 million cars and light trucks were on the road in the United States in 2022. This ever-growing population is getting older and being reborn with new technologies all at the same time. But how big is your market share and where are you over or under indexed?
New & Used Registrations
New vehicle registrations are on the uptick after several years of decline due to the pandemic and supply chain disruption. How can you utilize vehicle statistical insights to position yourself to be the insurer of choice whenever a vehicle is purchased or changes hand?
With many states and automakers declaring their intentions to move towards electric vehicles, insurers, and other stakeholders alike need to understand the implications for vehicles on the road in the US. What share of your portfolio is electric and are you adjusting rates accordingly?
One of the perceived benefits of autonomous driving is safety. However, levels of autonomy and adoption vary drastically. How soon will autonomy levels 1, 2 & 3 be adopted and how should insurance rates be adjusted?
Vehicle Forecasts
Following several years of disruption following the pandemic and supply chain issues, vehicle sales and production are back on track. How do you accurately forecast future demand for your services?
VIN Decoding
Vehicle specifications can vary even on the same model vehicle. How can you avoid costly mistakes from not having the correct vehicle specifications on your insurance policy?
Products and Solutions
New and Used Registrations
Automotive Market Reporting provides several hundred million new and used vehicle registrations, vehicles-in-operation (VIO), and owner demographics in a single web-based platform so you can easily assess your market share anywhere in the world.
Evolution in New Age Vehicle Manufacturing Technology
September 05 2024 | Global
We will discuss the evolution of trends in manufacturing technologies for vehicles. We will focus on the rapid shift to Battery Electric Vehicles...
Strategic Planning of Electric Vehicle Technologies in the Pursuit of Increased Range and Faster Charging Times
September 19 2024 | Global
This webinar will address the EV trilemma of range, charging time, and cost, which will be a key focus for the automotive industry in the coming...
Navigating the Road to Sustainability: Exploring Key Regulations Shaping the Automotive Industry
October 10 2024 | Global
The webinar's objective is to present the most relevant and up-to-date information on these regulations. We will highlight their impact and...