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Navigate the complexities of the global media & telecom industry with S&P Capital IQ Pro

Evaluate the opportunities and challenges arising from the rapid advancement in the global telecommunications and media landscape.

Kagan Research

S&P Capital IQ Pro provides extensive information on 17M+ companies operating in the global media and telecom industry, backed by industry-leading Kagan Research data. With more than a few decades of coverage, Kagan Research is an essential resource for understanding subscriber trends, product uptake, and shifting consumer preferences. Our extensive media sector coverage includes TV networks and programming, multichannel, Pay TV, film, internet media, and consumer insights surveys. Our telecom sector coverage provides market-leading analysis on mobile and broadband.

Our sector-specific data on the networks, broadcasting, wireless, and sports media is integrated with comprehensive company financials and advanced analytical tools on S&P Capital IQ Pro, to deliver a powerful tool for making well-informed decisions in this fast-evolving sector.

Our Global Media & Telecom Coverage


Alternative and Proprietary Asset Level Metrics


US Broadcast Stations and TV Networks


Pay-TV, Broadband, Telecom, and Mobile Operators


OTT service providers

See our coverage

End-to-end intelligence on a single platform

Media & Telecom Assets

Stay ahead of the curve with sub-sector granularity by accessing detailed insights on TV networks, towers, broadcast stations, film box office, sports rights, streaming, and more.

News & Research

Leverage our global TMT news offering to sharpen your understanding of important developments.

Company Analytics

Evaluate media & telecom companies with deep financials, estimates, credit risk metrics, transaction data, transcripts and an AI-powered document viewer.

Visualization Tools

Visualize assets, including TV station signal reach, broadband/video footprint, wireless licenses and more with our user-friendly visualization tools.

Meet our industry experts

A strategy is only as solid as the research it's built on. That’s why our solutions start with data, news, and insight from thought leaders of Kagan, a research group within S&P Global Market Intelligence.

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Sports Media Insights


The Business of Sports


Global sports by the numbers

On-demand Webinar
On-demand Webinar

The Power of Sports

  • Monitor the industry
  • Visualize global telecom assets
  • Stay up-to-date on industry news & trends
  • Analyze ESG metrics
  • Access private company financials
  • Evaluate consumer trends

Media and Telecom Insights, Informed by Best-In-Class Data and Analysts

  • Stay up to date on the media and telecom industry with a curated dashboard.
  • Access industry analysis including financial performance benchmarks, competitive analysis with historical revenue, cost and usage data, quantitative projections and deep qualitative insights.
  • Customize widgets for Kagan research on trends like OTT, broadband, pay TV, wireless, TV networks, broadcast, film, TV programming and more. 

Media and Telecom Insights, Informed by Best-In-Class Data and Analysts

  • Utilize visualization tools to map TV station signal reach, broadband/video footprint, wireless licenses and more.
  • Add your own proprietary data, layering existing maps with custom spatial relationships.

Media and Telecom Insights, Informed by Best-In-Class Data and Analysts

  • Read news articles across the industry, including ESG policies, merger announcements, policy news and more.
  • Access industry expert analysts.
  • Subscribe to the Media Talk podcast for weekly analyst insights.
  • Schedule or trigger alerts directly to your inbox or monitor via your Dashboard.

Media and Telecom Insights, Informed by Best-In-Class Data and Analysts

  • Monitor environmental, social and governance practices at media & telecom companies.
  • Understand how your peers respond to ESG challenges.
  • Track resource usage metrics to assess environmental risk.

Media and Telecom Insights, Informed by Best-In-Class Data and Analysts

  • Utilize financials of small and medium sized enterprises in your financial analysis and valuation models.
  • Access financials for 10M+ companies in Europe.

Media and Telecom Insights, Informed by Best-In-Class Data and Analysts

  • Leverage reliable measures of technology adoption and vendor performance supporting sales, marketing and client retention strategies and product roadmaps.
  • Understand vendor market share and business momentum to source potential acquisitions and partnerships.

Stay current on industry developments with the MediaTalk podcast


Understand the U.S. broadband & video landscape

MediaCensus Broadband & Video provides a comprehensive analysis of operators within the U.S. broadband and video industry and allows users to analyze subscriber market share, operator coverage, broadband speed, and technology type data. Current coverage includes 1,200+ broadband and 750+ video operators with subscriber estimates at the Zip, County and DMA® (Designated Market Area) levels, updated quarterly:

  • Benchmark peer subscriber and geography health.
  • Analyze operator subscriber churn and additions by geography.
  • Leverage speed and technology data by operator and market to influence infrastructure expenditures.
  • Evaluate operator health in key geographies and broadband subscriber categories over time.


  • Telecommunications Research
  • Media Research
  • Consumer Research

Our Research Coverage


  • Identify top mobile operators in key markets, growth projections, operator strategy and market share.
  • Coverage includes subscribers, revenue, ARPU, technology penetration, 5G, spectrum and towers and small cells, including tower owners and deals.

Broadband and Pay TV

  • Assess market structure and subscriber and revenue projections for 85+ global markets covering cable, DSL, fiber, fixed wireless and satellite platforms and distribution. 
  • Understand top operators and their strategies in key markets, including OTT video integration, broadband speeds, fixed mobile convergence and bundling, virtual multichannel and  M&A.

Read the 2024 Trends in Multichannel & Broadband Report

Our Research Coverage

Over the Top Video (OTT)

  • Assess the multichannel and OTT landscape at the operator and market level to support sales, marketing, CRM and product design. 
  • Coverage includes operator ARPU, subscriber estimates, and market projections.

US MediaCensus

  • Understand the US video and broadband subscriber landscape at the ZIP code level, by speed and by operator, to support sales, marketing, CRM and product design.

Global Advertising

  • Compare ad expenditure by medium and market. The data includes three-year ad expenditure forecasts by medium, cinema, internet, magazine, newspaper, outdoor, radio, and TV for 80+ countries.

Film & TV Programming

  • Determine programming line ups and costs to help shape contracts and strategy.
  • Keep track of box office revenue including negative cost to understand successful releases with our global film box office revenue database and original vs. acquired content breakdown

TV Networks/Broadcast

  • Assess financial performance of TV networks in the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific. 
  • Project subscribers and revenues to help shape your content strategy.
  • Understand carriage by geography and package composition. 
  • Analyze revenue trends and household reach for US TV broadcast stations and owners.

Read the 2024 Trends in Global Media Report

Our Research Coverage

Consumer Technology

  • Gain insight into consumer IoT, gaming, metaverse, and streaming OS ecosystems; broadband infrastructure technology; global connected consumer devices by region and OS; and consumer-focused software platforms.
  • Access data and coverage that includes vendor market shares, supply chain and technology impacts and key player updates.
  • Leverage reliable measures of technology adoption and vendor performance supporting sales, marketing and client retention strategies and product roadmaps. 
  • Understand technology vendor market share and business momentum to source potential acquisitions and partnerships.

Consumer Insights

  • Utilize surveys to help identify local media consumption habits, content preferences and price sensitivities in key markets.

Related Solutions & Datasets

Tech, Media and Telecom Insights


Explore Essential TMT Intelligence


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Client Case Studies

Case Study
Case Study 20 Mar, 2024

Sports ownership shifts from trophy asset to lucrative investment

Case Study
Case Study 17 Feb, 2022

A Telecom Company Hones Internal Capabilities to Supercharge its Growth Strategy

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Case Study 11 Apr, 2024

A Sports League Maximizes Revenue from Media Rights

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  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
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